Sunday, May 9, 2021

Random Thought for Today

 "Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." - Coco Chanel

Friday, March 19, 2021

Nifty riff off of the One Ring by way of Neowin

 From this article:

One update to rule them all;

One update to find them;

One update to bring them all;

And in the deployment image bind them.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Happy 5th!


Five years ago this past Saturday (8/8) one of the best things ever happened. I would not trade the highs and lows of the past five years for anything.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Suggestions to Observe Lent, Part 2

Also known as 19 things to give up for Lent that aren't chocolate:
  1. Fear: God is on my side. In Him I am more than a conqueror. (See Romans 9:8)
  2. The need to please everyone: I can’t please everyone anyway. There is only one I need to strive to please.
  3. Envy: I am blessed. My value is not found in my possessions, but in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
  4. Impatience: God’s timing is the perfect timing.
  5. Sense of entitlement: The world does not owe me anything. God does not owe me anything. I live in humility and grace.
  6. Bitterness and Resentment: The only person I am hurting by holding onto these is myself.
  7. Blame: I am not going to pass the buck. I will take responsibility for my actions.
  8. Gossip and Negativity: I will put the best construction on everything when it comes to other people. I will also minimize my contact with people who are negative and toxic and bring other people down.
  9. Comparison: I have my own unique contribution to make and there is no one else like me.
  10. Fear of failure: You don’t succeed without experiencing failure. Just make sure you fall forward.
  11. A spirit of poverty: Believe with God that there is always more than enough and never a lack.
  12. Feelings of unworthiness: You are fearfully and wonderfully made by your creator. (see Psalm 139)
  13. Doubt: Believe God has a plan for you that is beyond anything you could imagine. The future is brighter than you could ever realize.
  14. Self-pity: God comforts us in our sorrow so that we can comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
  15. Retirement: As long as you are still breathing, you are here for a reason. You have a purpose to influence others for Christ. That does not come to an end until the day we die.
  16. Excuses: A wise man once said, if you need an excuse, any excuse will do.
  17. Lack of counsel: Wise decisions are rarely made in a vacuum.
  18. Pride: Blessed are the humble.
  19. Worry: God is in control and worrying will not help.
19 things to give up for Lent that aren't chocolate. (2017, February 16). Retrieved from

Suggestions to observe Lent, Part 1

His Holiness Pope Francis suggested the following fasts for the Lenten season in 2018, and they are worth a look:
  1. Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
  2. Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
  3. Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
  4. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
  5. Fast from worries and trust in God.
  6. Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
  7. Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
  8. Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.
  9. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
  10. Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
  11. Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.
I am going to try one of these fasts a day for each remaining day of Lent.

DeRouen, Keith J. “Pope Francis Offers Suggestions to Observe Lent.”, Daily World, 11 Feb. 2018,