Sunday, February 26, 2017

Well crap in a hat . . .

I missed a week of blogging. Well, almost a week and a half. There really wasn't any specific reason other than I just was not feeling it. On top of that, I broke my New Year's resolution to publish one blog post each day of the year. I think I was doing pretty good.

Why a resolution to restart the blog after a multi-year hiatus? Well, for one, it's part of my personal initiative to get better at writing, research, and controlling online content related to me. Some regular readers may remember that I posted last year on Facebook about killing my LinkedIn account. Since then, I've terminated the following accounts: Flickr, Yahoo, Twitter, Lyft, AOL/AIM, Trillian, Trello, Vimeo. Code Academy, Flipboard, Glassdoor, ImageShack, Khan Academy, PayPal, WordPress, and uTest, among others. Fairly soon – possibly around the release of Visual Studio 2017 or the Windows 10 Creators' Update – I will be killing my Facebook account. I've already started the process by "in-liking" almost all of my pages, removing all of my interests, and unfollowing a lot of people. "Why," you ask? I don't know. Maybe a prior post provided the spur. All I know is that Facebook is not a place where I care to be.

Deleting all of these accounts and focusing on the blog is my way of controlling what is out there about me. I can control the content and context of the blog and the posts therein. I will write up a post later on this week explaining the reasoning behind this blog and the URL I chose.

As of right now, I'm still on Facebook. In a few weeks, the only ways to get – and keep – in touch will be via this blog, Google+/Google Hangouts, e-mail, and telephone/texting.

Oh, and I promise I will fill in some of the blanks from the "missing week!"

May your luster never dull, and your wires never cross!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Microsoft vs. Apple: User Interface Decisions

This post is an old research paper I wrote for Indiana Wesleyan University.

Much of the news in the Information Technology field has focused on Microsoft's upcoming operating system, Windows 8. Inevitably, many comparisons are being made between Windows 8 and Apple's most recent release of the Mac OS, which is code-named "Mountain Lion." Both desktop operating systems borrow heavily from their mobile counterparts. However, Microsoft's decision to reimagine Windows from its foundations, discarding the desktop paradigm of computing, is fundamentally risky and has the potential to alienate and frustrate long-time Windows users. Apple's decision to integrate features from its mobile operating system without sacrificing the familiar desktop interface is a less risky move. Although both decisions have the same goal of bridging the gap between the desktop and mobile interfaces, they are indicative of the cultural differences between the two companies and have the potential to shape their future for years to come.

Windows 8

From the moment you log in, it is evident that Windows 8 is a complete reimagining from its predecessors. "Instead of the familiar Start menu, taskbar, and Windows Explorer, you get the Start screen, which consists of square and rectangular icons for your apps called Live Tiles" (Mediati, 2012). The Start screen displays every application installed on the computer by default, but users can choose what does or does not appear. Users can pin favorite Web sites or contacts from their address book to the Start screen to further customize their experience. However, that does not mean the desktop is gone. "Windows 8 will run traditional desktop-style Windows applications too, and it will do so in a desktop environment that resembles the layout of Windows 7" (Mediati, 2012).

Microsoft built Windows 8 with cloud computing in mind. Microsoft bundles its OneDrive service with Windows 8, just as Apple bundles its iCloud service with Mountain Lion. Microsoft's OneDrive service aims to provide users with access to all of their applications and files, thus providing a consistent user experience, regardless of what machine they happen to be logged into. "A big difference between SkyDrive and iCloud is that it offers Web access to any files you've stored on it," meaning users can access their files from any Web browser. Additionally, many third-party applications for Windows 8 can make use of OneDrive to store and retrieve files (Muchmore, 2012).

Galen Gruman of summed up his thoughts on the user experience in Windows 8 in his article "Deathmatch: Windows 8 vs. OS X Mountain Lion:"

Ultimately, you're switching between two different computers that share a file system and a few core services, and each computer is optimized for a different set of input methods. It would have been better to leave Metro for tablets and Windows 7 for laptops and desktop PCs, and slowly merged the UIs as Apple is doing with OS X and iOS. For most users, Windows 8 will be a confounding mess. (2012)

Microsoft's decision to merge the desktop and mobile interfaces in Windows 8 and create one operating system for multiple devices demonstrates the company’s need and desire to remain relevant in the an era where users are increasingly reliant on smart phones and tablets to remain connected. In this "post-PC" era, the desktop is no longer the primary method of computing for the average end user. Microsoft’s decision to go "all in" with Windows 8 could spur a new period of innovation at the company or drive users away, causing the company to enter a period of decline.

Mac OS X "Mountain Lion"

Apple has taken a different approach with Mountain Lion. "At its heart, Mac OS X is still an operating system designed for desktops and laptops." At first glance, it does not look like the OS X desktop has changed. However, Mountain Lion does have a similar feature to Windows 8's Start screen: the Launchpad. When Launchpad is opened, it displays an iPad-like grid of icons for your programs, making it easier to locate and access them. However, despite Launchpad's iOS roots, Mountain Lion looks and feels like a Mac, not an iOS device (Mediati, 2012).

Like Microsoft, Apple built Mountain Lion with cloud computing in mind. Apple built its iCloud service into Mountain Lion. "When you sign into your Apple account on a Mountain Lion Mac, all your mail settings, contacts, Safari bookmarks, messages, iTunes backups and other features will be synced via iCloud. And when you launch the App Store, all the apps you purchased earlier through the App Store are available for downloading and installation" (Muchmore, 2012). Like Microsoft, Apple built cloud storage into iCloud. However, users cannot access these files via a Web browser.

"Apple defined the graphical user interface as we know it today, and despite 28 years of changes, the core metaphors remain unchanged. That consistency makes it easy to use each new version of OS X, and Mountain Lion is no exception" (Gruman, 2012). However, Mountain Lion has one user interface flaw that undermines the ease of use: "there are now three distinct UIs and services for saving files: one for traditional apps, one for Versions-enabled apps, and now one for iCloud Documents-compatible apps." This can be confusing to long-time and new Mac OS users.

Apple brings several features from its iOS operating system to the Mac OS in a natural and incremental way. Unlike Microsoft, Apple does not risk alienating long-time Mac users with the changes to the operating system. Apple has taken a much more conservative approach to merging its desktop and mobile operating systems.


Both Microsoft and Apple have the same goal of bridging the gap between the desktop and mobile interfaces, but the decision to take differing approaches are indicative of the cultural differences between the two companies. Microsoft has taken the riskier approach of reimagining Windows from its foundations, which could frustrate the company's user base. Apple has taken a more conservative approach, refining the Mac OS while adding features from iOS. The main difference between the two approaches is how the designs reflect the end user experience. Apple's approach to consistency demonstrates the company's willingness to keep the existing user base happy while adding features those same users like about the iOS operating system. Microsoft is seemingly ignoring the existing user base and introducing a new learning curve. Only time will tell which approach is the correct one.


Gruman, G. Deathmatch: Windows 8 vs. OS X Mountain Lion. Retrieved from mountain-lion-200175?page=0,0.

Mediati, N. Windows 8 vs. Mountain Lion: which OS succeeds at bringing mobile to the desktop? Retrieved from succeeds_at_bringing_mobile_to_the_desktop_.html.

Muchmore, M. Windows 8 vs. OS X Mountain Lion: Feature by Feature. Retrieved from mountain-lion-feature-by-feature.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I Don't Get It

What do people have to gain by antagonizing my dog? From the neighbor behind me threatening her, to assholes on bicycles, and shitty kids who really should know better, Trellis gets all kinds of flak when she either goes out the backyard to do her business or when we are out on our walks.

I don't know. I'm just frustrated, sad, and furious at the moment.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Software Issues and their Impact

Describe at least two software issues (open-source, upgrades, software bugs, copyrights/licenses, global support) and how these issues impact users and organizations.

Two issues that immediately caught my attention were software bugs and freeware/open-source software.

Software defects prevent software from accomplishing what it was designed to do. These defects can result in performance issues, data loss or data integrity issues, or incompatibilities. Software defects are an inevitable part of development. No software will ship one-hundred percent bug-free. The wide range of different combinations of applications, hardware, et cetera can lead to defects being discovered that would otherwise not be. Software bugs can be a source of many problems for companies as they could result in loss data, lost productivity, and increased costs to fix or work around these defects.

Software defects often go hand-in-hand with upgrades. Software upgrades have benefits and drawbacks. The most immediate benefit to upgrading is the ability to use the latest features and newest technology. On the other hand, users may need to learn a new way of working or navigating the software, especially in the case of Windows 8. Upgrading to any new version right away can also expose the user to defects that the manufacturer might not have found. Many companies have policies in place that delay upgrading until the software manufacturer releases a service pack or "point-one" version of the software.

Freeware, free software, and open-source software can be a source of confusion to many end users. Freeware is software that is distributed at no cost. However, users may be – and often are – bound by licensing restrictions, such as not being able to use the software for commercial or "for-profit" purposes. Such licensing restrictions often discourage businesses from using this software, no matter how beneficial it might be.

Open-source software, as its name implies, is software that is distributed along with its source code. This allows users to study or modify the code. Users can also redistribute the code or companies can use part of the code in its own software, as specified in the BSD and MIT licenses. Open-source software is typically distributed for free or at minimal cost. However, open-source software may not come with support guarantees and can carry a higher total cost of ownership (TCO). Additionally, some open-source software – typically Linux-based software – is not available or not compatible with Microsoft Windows. I should point out that open-source software is not always governed by the GNU General Public License (GPL). There are other licensing schemas available, such as the BSD license and the MIT license, which I mentioned above.

Free software – also called libre software – is software than can be studied, modified, and used without the typical licensing restrictions. Free software is typically licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The biggest drawback to using the GPL is the licensing itself. If a software company includes GPL-licensed code in a software product, that company is legally bound to license their software product under the GPL. In some cases, simply including a copy of GPL-licensed code on the same media – even if it is not part of their software – may result in legal issues. This restriction alone can discourage companies from using free software.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ten (10) Books that have Affected Me, Pt. 2

Continued from yesterday's post.

  1. The Death of Superman - This is not (technically) a book. However, it did reignite my love of comic books and my appreciation for the medium.
  2. A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux - This served as my introduction to the GNU/Linux operating system via Fedora. I saw a world beyond Windows for the first time. I took two classes that utilized this book, classes which took me to my limit of technical knowledge. I'm not ashamed to say I still use GNU/Linux to this day, thanks to Mark Sobell's excellent work on this text.
  3. Rescuing Jesus from the Christians - Remember when I said I wanted to find alternate perspectives of different mythologies? This book is part of that. Part of my curriculum at Indiana Wesleyan University involved writing several research papers in preparation for my capstone project. I wanted to find an alternate perspective on Christianity that had a historical basis, yet remained compatible with the Bible. This book was the springboard for that project.
  4. Batman: To Stalk a Specter - This short novel did for Batman what The Death of Superman did for comics in general: it reignited my interest in the character. Plus, we get to see Batman actually doing some detective work and utilizing a network of citizens. This book also fundamentally shaped how I view the character.
  5. Why Software Sucks...and What You Can Do About It - This book started me on the path to being a software tester.

So there you have it: ten books that have affected me in some way. Feel free to make your own list if you haven't already.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Ten (10) Books that have Affected Me, Pt. 1

So, there's a bit of a meme going around where you are supposed to list ten books that have affected you in some way. No one's tagged me yet, but it's too good of an exercise to pass up. The rules are simple: "Don't take more than a few minutes and don't think too hard. They don't have to be the 'right' books or great works of literature. Without further preamble, here is part one of my top ten list:

  1. The Bible - For better or worse, the Bible has to be on the list. I grew up in a Christian household (Baptist on my mom's side, Catholic on my dad's). The Bible has always been part of my life, still colors how I perceive the world and everything in it, and perhaps always will shape my outlook on many things.
  2. The Lord of the Rings - The Lord of the Rings kindled my love for the fantasy genre. The book attempts to capture the awe-inspiring, epic feeling of stories like Beowulf and King Arthur. I loved reading the book in school, and I still do. As I got deeper into the genre, I realized, though, that Tolkien was an awesome world-builder but a mediocre storyteller.
  3. Dune - What love The Lord of the Rings kindled in me for fantasy, Dune did for the "science fiction" part of "Sci-Fi/Fantasy." Frank Herbert's world was - in many ways - more epic, sprawling, and mysterious than Tolkien's Middle Earth. Herbert was a master world-builder and a gifted storyteller. The Dune series always has something different to show me each time I read it, despite the rather meandering nature of the final books, Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse: Dune.
  4. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Siege - This is not my first exposure to Peter David's works, but it is my most memorable. This came out shortly after DS9 premiered. The first several episodes left me cold on the series. This book convinced me to give DS9 a chance.
  5. The Mists of Avalon - This was recommended by a former co-worker at Huntington Bank. This tale of Arthurian legends from the point-of-view of Morgaine sparked a desire to find alternate perspectives of different mythologies. It also served as a reminder to keep an open mind when interacting with people of different backgrounds and faiths.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Friends to the End . . .

I lost a friend and a friendship yesterday.

I cannot say that I am surprised. We've been drifting apart for quite some time. I'm not sure whether it was the distance, me not being there at times, or him shielding himself and pushing me away. All I know is that after 20 years, we are no longer.

I won't say that it didn't hurt, or hasn't been difficult. I honestly do not know what I'm supposed to feel in the end, though. Right now it's a mix of shock, sadness, befuddlement, and a bit of "whatever will be, will be."

I do hope he finds the peace he's looking for. I do hope we get the chance to reconnect someday.

I love you, bro.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Another reason I'm a fan of Reba

"That's not as important as this is my job to entertain. It shouldn't be my platform to be up on stage giving my political views."

Kudos to her for not taking the bait!

I wonder how many friends I'll be losing over this post . . .

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

No post tonight . . .

I'm getting everything backed up and preparing my PC for a new Windows installation.

In the meantime, have a GIF of Colton Haynes:

Monday, February 6, 2017

John 1:1-14

What is the implication of John's discussion of light as it relates to human beings?

John's discussion of light is rooted in human beings being created in the image of God. Being created in the image of God gives human beings the unique capacity to reflect God. According to Samuele Bacchiocchi, "the image of God is associated not with man as male and female, or with an immortal soul given to our species, but rather with humankind’s capacity to be and to do on a finite level what God is and does on an infinite level" (paragraph 22). Human beings are part of – and a reflection of – God's light, but God is the true Light.

What is the implication of John's statement that people did not understand the light? Why might he have used the word understand here when he could have used other words?

John spoke of "understanding" in the sense of comprehension. For example, Jesus used parables throughout His ministry. Those with understanding comprehended the meaning behind the parables, whereas those without understanding did not. Just because someone can see, hear, or otherwise perceive something does not mean they understand it. John's use of understanding implies a deep, comprehensive knowledge.

What does John mean when he talks about the world?

John is referring to the world in a couple of contexts. First, he is referring to the physical world and everything in it. Second, it refers to the world system. That is, the political and social systems in place in the world then and now.

What does it imply when John says that God came to his own?

This is two-fold. First, it means God came to the world, humanity (as a whole) in particular, which is His creation. Second, God came to the Jewish people, who are His covenant (or chosen) people.


Bacchiocchi, S. (n.d.). The Old Testament View of Human Nature. Retrieved July 8, 2014, from

Sunday, February 5, 2017


What concerns have been raised over e-waste?

There have been many concerns raised over electronic waste (e-waste). The main concern involves the use of heavy metals and materials like mercury, lead, and PVC plastic. When electronics products are thrown away, these materials can leach into the ground and cause serious environmental issues over time. Sometimes non-salvageable components of these products are burned, especially in third-world countries. This creates toxic smoke which enters our atmosphere and causes illnesses in the short term and long-term environmental effects. Another concern is the use of child labor in dismantling used electronics and manufacturing new electronics products.

One of the biggest – perhaps the biggest – contributor to e-waste is the idea of "planned obsolescence." Planned obsolescence involves deliberately manufacturing a product to become obsolete after a period of time. Many critics use Apple as an example, but all electronics manufacturers are guilty of this at one point or another. I’ve pasted a link to the Wikipedia article, which gives an excellent summary of the concept. There are some excellent links near the bottom of the article to resources that go into greater detail.

Another concern – not specifically related to e-waste – is the amount of other waste generated as a side effect. For example, most electronics devices use batteries of some sort. Batteries contain toxic materials such a cadmium, lithium, and alkaline. In addition, there is the packaging. Many companies have taken steps to reduce the amount of packaging, but the sheer volume of electronics devices purchased today nearly negates that effort.

What actions can electronics manufacturers take to address the e-waste problem?

Many manufacturers – such as Nokia and Apple – offer "take-back" or "buy-back" programs that offer consumers the opportunity to recycle their old devices when they are no longer needed. More manufactures can adopt similar programs or provide similar incentives to their customers. Many manufacturers could also discard the notion of "planned obsolescence," and build products that are meant to last longer. Many manufacturers are also designing their products with less amounts of hazardous material and making them easily recyclable.

Manufacturers aren’t the only organizations that can take action. Travis mentioned in his thread about local communities organizing a "recycling day" that gives residents another option to recycle their old electronics. However, these events are only held a few times a year. Major retailers can also contribute. Best Buy already offers a "buy back" program. Imagine how much e-waste could be recycled if all Wal-Marts across the country offered a recycling or "take-back" program in their stores!

What laws, if any, do you think are necessary to address this problem? Why?

I think there should be laws to provide incentives for companies to manufacture their products with fewer hazardous materials. There could also be laws to provide incentives to consumers that recycle their old electronics. The government has offered such incentives in the past to taxpayers who have made their homes energy-efficient. Why not expand those incentives to encourage recycling electronics products?

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Make or Buy?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of purchasing versus developing software?

The main advantage to purchasing software versus developing it is the cost savings to design, develop, and test the software. If a company – or a consumer – purchases software, there is a reasonable expectation that it has been tested and functions the way the developer intends. However, this is not always the case. Conversely, no pre-packaged software ever does what every user wants. As a result, users have to change settings, add customization options, or resort to purchasing additional software to accomplish their goals.

Developing software has its advantages, too. If a company develops its software in-house, it can be sure the software meets expectations. One unexpected advantage is if the software benefits the company – and could benefit a company's customers – the company may be able to sell that software and realize an additional profit.

Another advantage to companies developing their own software is the concept of "dogfooding," where companies use their own product in production to demonstrate its capabilities.

As an aside, I think free and open-source software have an advantage over proprietary software when it comes to companies developing their own software. Companies can reap the benefits of having pre-packaged software, which saves on the development and design costs, and customize that software to fit their business processes.

What is important to include in the contract with a software developer?

Some important things to include in the contract with the software developer include:

  1. Service and support – If my software does not function correctly under certain circumstances, or there is a bug discovered, what are the developer’s responsibilities? Should they make a fix available at no cost? What is the ideal response time for any support issues? How soon can I expect a resolution to any support issues? What would be the developer’s responsibility if any data loss or data integrity issues result through use of the software? What is considered an “inappropriate” use of the software or what would violate any licensing agreements?
  2. Training – Will the software developer provide training or make any training available to the end users? Is the documentation on how the product is intended to function?
  3. User Acceptance Testing or Trial periods – Does the software developer offer a trial of their software?
  4. Is the software secure? It’s almost impossible to guarantee complete security as there will always be defects in the software and improvements in hacking methods. But does the developer respond to security concerns in a timely manner? Has the developer knowingly released the software with security issues?
  5. How much does the software cost? This would include up-front and maintenance costs over the life of the software.

Friday, February 3, 2017

More IWU Homework

How can young people murder each other without remorse?

I chose this question because it hits fairly close to home for me. If you peruse the news stories on, you will see at least one murder story a week. Most of these stories involve teens and people in their twenties, either as victims or perpetrators. Although I will try to keep race out of the subject of this post, a large percent of these murders involve young, African-American men.

My search led me to the following sites:

What does this page reveal about our culture’s attitude toward human life?

Part of this trend of young people murdering each other is the fulfillment of prophecy, as Paul detailed in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NKJV):

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

This verse provides a litany of symptoms. The cause however, is this: human life is no longer seen as beautiful and valuable. To expand on that statement, no one sees others as valuable save him or herself. Think about what Sagan said in the first week, that nothing in the universe has any intrinsic value relative to anything else. Secular humanism teaches that man is no more than an evolved animal. We see this sort of behavior in today’s business world, where people move up the corporate ladder at the expense of their co-workers and families. We see the consequences of this mindset play out on the evening news every day.

Basically, it all comes down to one fact: Human life is not valuable.

Is there any dissonance between what we believe and the way we act?

I think there is a huge dissonance between what we believe – or what we say we believe – and how we act. Many corporations promote work/life balance, but ask workers to work overtime and sacrifice energy to get that next project done. Gang members are taught that they are all brothers, unless one of them goes against the flow, then he is nothing. Many Christians are not immune, either. They preach “love thy neighbor,” yet they do not practice it.

Are there underlying questions and assumptions behind these current issues?

There are several underlying assumptions, yes:

  • Most young people murdering others tend to be black. This is not the case, particularly with cases like T.J. Lane.
  • Most young people who murder others are bullied or abused. Although this is true in a few cases, such as the T.J. Lane case mentioned above, some come from good homes with caring parents.
  • The killers come from poor or low-income families. Again, true in some cases, but not always. Take the Menendez brothers as an example.

Some questions asked include:

  1. Why did no one see the warning signs?
  2. What could drive someone to kill without remorse?
  3. How can we ensure this doesn’t happen again?