Monday, February 13, 2017

Ten (10) Books that have Affected Me, Pt. 2

Continued from yesterday's post.

  1. The Death of Superman - This is not (technically) a book. However, it did reignite my love of comic books and my appreciation for the medium.
  2. A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux - This served as my introduction to the GNU/Linux operating system via Fedora. I saw a world beyond Windows for the first time. I took two classes that utilized this book, classes which took me to my limit of technical knowledge. I'm not ashamed to say I still use GNU/Linux to this day, thanks to Mark Sobell's excellent work on this text.
  3. Rescuing Jesus from the Christians - Remember when I said I wanted to find alternate perspectives of different mythologies? This book is part of that. Part of my curriculum at Indiana Wesleyan University involved writing several research papers in preparation for my capstone project. I wanted to find an alternate perspective on Christianity that had a historical basis, yet remained compatible with the Bible. This book was the springboard for that project.
  4. Batman: To Stalk a Specter - This short novel did for Batman what The Death of Superman did for comics in general: it reignited my interest in the character. Plus, we get to see Batman actually doing some detective work and utilizing a network of citizens. This book also fundamentally shaped how I view the character.
  5. Why Software Sucks...and What You Can Do About It - This book started me on the path to being a software tester.

So there you have it: ten books that have affected me in some way. Feel free to make your own list if you haven't already.

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