Monday, February 6, 2017

John 1:1-14

What is the implication of John's discussion of light as it relates to human beings?

John's discussion of light is rooted in human beings being created in the image of God. Being created in the image of God gives human beings the unique capacity to reflect God. According to Samuele Bacchiocchi, "the image of God is associated not with man as male and female, or with an immortal soul given to our species, but rather with humankind’s capacity to be and to do on a finite level what God is and does on an infinite level" (paragraph 22). Human beings are part of – and a reflection of – God's light, but God is the true Light.

What is the implication of John's statement that people did not understand the light? Why might he have used the word understand here when he could have used other words?

John spoke of "understanding" in the sense of comprehension. For example, Jesus used parables throughout His ministry. Those with understanding comprehended the meaning behind the parables, whereas those without understanding did not. Just because someone can see, hear, or otherwise perceive something does not mean they understand it. John's use of understanding implies a deep, comprehensive knowledge.

What does John mean when he talks about the world?

John is referring to the world in a couple of contexts. First, he is referring to the physical world and everything in it. Second, it refers to the world system. That is, the political and social systems in place in the world then and now.

What does it imply when John says that God came to his own?

This is two-fold. First, it means God came to the world, humanity (as a whole) in particular, which is His creation. Second, God came to the Jewish people, who are His covenant (or chosen) people.


Bacchiocchi, S. (n.d.). The Old Testament View of Human Nature. Retrieved July 8, 2014, from

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