Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Software Issues and their Impact

Describe at least two software issues (open-source, upgrades, software bugs, copyrights/licenses, global support) and how these issues impact users and organizations.

Two issues that immediately caught my attention were software bugs and freeware/open-source software.

Software defects prevent software from accomplishing what it was designed to do. These defects can result in performance issues, data loss or data integrity issues, or incompatibilities. Software defects are an inevitable part of development. No software will ship one-hundred percent bug-free. The wide range of different combinations of applications, hardware, et cetera can lead to defects being discovered that would otherwise not be. Software bugs can be a source of many problems for companies as they could result in loss data, lost productivity, and increased costs to fix or work around these defects.

Software defects often go hand-in-hand with upgrades. Software upgrades have benefits and drawbacks. The most immediate benefit to upgrading is the ability to use the latest features and newest technology. On the other hand, users may need to learn a new way of working or navigating the software, especially in the case of Windows 8. Upgrading to any new version right away can also expose the user to defects that the manufacturer might not have found. Many companies have policies in place that delay upgrading until the software manufacturer releases a service pack or "point-one" version of the software.

Freeware, free software, and open-source software can be a source of confusion to many end users. Freeware is software that is distributed at no cost. However, users may be – and often are – bound by licensing restrictions, such as not being able to use the software for commercial or "for-profit" purposes. Such licensing restrictions often discourage businesses from using this software, no matter how beneficial it might be.

Open-source software, as its name implies, is software that is distributed along with its source code. This allows users to study or modify the code. Users can also redistribute the code or companies can use part of the code in its own software, as specified in the BSD and MIT licenses. Open-source software is typically distributed for free or at minimal cost. However, open-source software may not come with support guarantees and can carry a higher total cost of ownership (TCO). Additionally, some open-source software – typically Linux-based software – is not available or not compatible with Microsoft Windows. I should point out that open-source software is not always governed by the GNU General Public License (GPL). There are other licensing schemas available, such as the BSD license and the MIT license, which I mentioned above.

Free software – also called libre software – is software than can be studied, modified, and used without the typical licensing restrictions. Free software is typically licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The biggest drawback to using the GPL is the licensing itself. If a software company includes GPL-licensed code in a software product, that company is legally bound to license their software product under the GPL. In some cases, simply including a copy of GPL-licensed code on the same media – even if it is not part of their software – may result in legal issues. This restriction alone can discourage companies from using free software.

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