Sunday, February 26, 2017

Well crap in a hat . . .

I missed a week of blogging. Well, almost a week and a half. There really wasn't any specific reason other than I just was not feeling it. On top of that, I broke my New Year's resolution to publish one blog post each day of the year. I think I was doing pretty good.

Why a resolution to restart the blog after a multi-year hiatus? Well, for one, it's part of my personal initiative to get better at writing, research, and controlling online content related to me. Some regular readers may remember that I posted last year on Facebook about killing my LinkedIn account. Since then, I've terminated the following accounts: Flickr, Yahoo, Twitter, Lyft, AOL/AIM, Trillian, Trello, Vimeo. Code Academy, Flipboard, Glassdoor, ImageShack, Khan Academy, PayPal, WordPress, and uTest, among others. Fairly soon – possibly around the release of Visual Studio 2017 or the Windows 10 Creators' Update – I will be killing my Facebook account. I've already started the process by "in-liking" almost all of my pages, removing all of my interests, and unfollowing a lot of people. "Why," you ask? I don't know. Maybe a prior post provided the spur. All I know is that Facebook is not a place where I care to be.

Deleting all of these accounts and focusing on the blog is my way of controlling what is out there about me. I can control the content and context of the blog and the posts therein. I will write up a post later on this week explaining the reasoning behind this blog and the URL I chose.

As of right now, I'm still on Facebook. In a few weeks, the only ways to get – and keep – in touch will be via this blog, Google+/Google Hangouts, e-mail, and telephone/texting.

Oh, and I promise I will fill in some of the blanks from the "missing week!"

May your luster never dull, and your wires never cross!

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