Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Collection of Quotes on Software Testing

"Our basic ideas about what are better or worse practices are strongly influenced by people we perceive as knowing how to make software." - James Bach

"A 'passing' test doesn't mean 'no problem.' It means no problem *observed*. This time. With these inputs. So far. On my machine." – Michael Bolton

"Software testers always go to heaven; they’ve already had their fair share of hell." – Anonymous

"Respect what your developers say, but don't believe a word of it." – James Bach

"The first bug fix that actually retests as fixed in the morning always makes me wonder if I'm retesting it right." – QA Hates You

"QA learns from its mistakes. It learns to repeat those mistakes every build." – QA Hates You

"Data matures like wine, applications like fish." - James Governor

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