Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Yellow Dog Project

Do you have a dog that has not been socialized properly, refuses to socialize, or just needs space? I do. Meet Trellis:


Trellis was picked up as a stray in the East 150th Street area in Cleveland, Ohio. I have no idea what her life on the street was like before she was picked up and adopted. I do know that she had to compete for whatever food she could come by. She still demonstrates this behavior on our daily walks. She also picked up some antisocial/unsocial behaviors towards other dogs along the way. It is disheartening to know that she will probably never be able to socialize properly with the majority of dogs out there, despite my best efforts. That's where the Yellow Dog Project comes in.

I first found out about this project via a post on the Addison Police Department's Facebook page. The purpose of the Yellow Dog Project is
The Yellow Dog Project is a global movement for parents of dogs that need space (aka DINOS, Dogs In Need Of Space).
The Yellow Dog Project was created to bring awareness to the general public about dogs who need space while training, recovering from surgery, or being rehabilitated.
The Yellow Dog Project was founded in 2012 and is promoted in forty-five countries worldwide, with over 100,000 members, and translated into twelve languages. However, in spite of the wide reach, there are still a lot of people who are not aware of the project or its aims. Their Facebook page contains the project's history, goals, and milestones. You can also download a flyer for printing and distribution!

If you'd like to know more about the Yellow Dog Project, the following links have additional background information:

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